
Showing posts from May, 2013
Having fun

Tree House

Many faiths record the same ideas from ancient books inspired by their God.  Man given free will is offered his own interpretation.  inspired by Christianity "While foreign to us, the Day of Atonement still demonstrates that God takes sin seriously.  He requires blood sacrifice to facilitate the removal of sin from his presence.  Our sin matches the seriousness of the Israelites' sin.  But we no longer observe these sacrificial rituals, because jesus Christ serves as our high priest.  And that high priest representing our sins went alone into God's presence and offered his own blood as the sacrifice for our sin. His Blood was shed once for all time to cover the darkness in our lives .  And he himself acted as the scapegoat for us."   inspired by Islam Clip from Mufti Menk  
Three Distinctions - nothing more
You have booked passage on one of these for the new world When land is made this is what you see Five hundred years later 
These three are renderings by users of Daz3d software.  ...other software, various artists  -  unknown - 
Nice to know we are not alone~
 invest in  nanotechnology and wait...
May the force be with you IBM is the logo of International Business Machines
Man watching a basketball game
On the street where I lived - there are now three houses where one stood...  and Santo Trafficante   moved into his mother's house  one block away  after she died .  Fidel Castro was interviewed by a local reporter at his home, two blocks south of here.  My wife of 39 years (while in school) lived two houses down on the same street.   One house over  from my wife's residence lived someone I worked with.   I worked with an engineer whose grandparents lived three houses away.  Believe it or not, life is not without parallels. 
I can't believe he's taking my picture
The real me 2012
Unaware that my parents were living a portion of this opera I gave the boxed set of  these records to my father for Christmas.  Both parents later remarried and  lived happier lives without the masks until their passings .  The carnival never ends.   - a short clip -  Un Ballo...
Man's honeycomb - were city workers live and work
A domesticated duck returns home again and again
A retirement roost
Will this primitive scribble define our culture a thousand years from today?