
Showing posts from June, 2019

Aerial sunset photo

Just 15 miles from the beach and the sunset is blocked by land.  Fly 175 feet up and the camera sees what a person on the beach sees.  This shows how quickly the earth's curvature effects view of distant objects, even one (the sun) ninety-three million miles away.  This is a relatively simple example of how our earth is not what it seems to be without assistance.  Then take into account something more complex like atmospheric changes which should make people think about the long term outcomes of their actions.

Let me take a picture of your car before you change boyfriends

The boyfriend's car

Know your demons

And how to use them

De Lorean

The Car Photo from a local collection of cars in this area (Florida) made available to the public  Link source  photo credit  blogger

The end of an era

September 2013 The price of gas goes beyound $2.00   2,01 доллара США равно 126,83 русский

Politics doesn't change

Comedians change   Robins Williams was bi-polar  And "humor is much cheaper than therapy."  " On August 11, 2014, Williams committed suicide in his Paradise Cay, California, home at the age of 63. His wife attributed his suicide to his struggle with Lewy body disease." Source  youtube  Johnny Carson Show

The Alfred Landecker Foundation

The story of the Reimann family , whose ancestors were Nazi supporters, is tragically and intimately intertwined with that of Alfred Landecker. From now on, the Foundation and its mission will explicitly refer to the life and fate of Alfred Landecker as its moral reference. By taking his name, it will not only preserve his memory, but also memorialize the murder of millions of Jews and other victims of National Socialism.

Perfection in nature

Nature shows us that its creations are developed to high standards  The lines on this duck couldn't have been drawn with any more precision using a machine

Mrs Sulu

Not a chance  Mr Sulu a Star Trek  characte is gay Sources  Wochit Entertainment   Youtube

OK shoot me

A department store mannequin doesn't mind having its picture taken  You don't have to ask permission  That moment of attention may even add a spark of life to this inanimate object  The same scenario plays out for the human counterpart  A moments notice increases its desire to live  They both have no other purpose than to be while waiting for recognition with the face of a blank stare  Look at Me

Life as a simulation

Life is not a simulation   This link is something to think about  A curiosity without proof  Do not be afraid of computers  They are about as powerful as the pencil  Only as meaningful as the PERSON who holds it  

Got trees

Yes many of them   Mango   Avocado   Fig   Cum Quat  Lo quat   Each tree produces enough O2 for one person   Trees produce shade lowering dwelling temperature  electric bills  Trees require maintenance   The rubber tree (upper right) that grew out of control has invaded properties and drive ways for at least three houses including it's own location   Do not allow this tree uncontrolled growth  it will destroy property and property value not to mention neighborly good will

hail to the chief

“Yet each man kills the thing he loves, By each let this be heard, Some do it with a bitter look, Some with a flattering word, The coward does it with a kiss, The brave man with a sword! Some kill their love when they are young, And some when they are old; Some strangle with the hands of Lust, Some with the hands of Gold: The kindest use a knife, because The dead so soon grow cold. Some love too little, some too long, Some sell, and others buy; Some do the deed with many tears, And some without a sigh: For each man kills the thing he loves, Yet each man does not die.” Oscar Wilde Graphic  Adobe Photoshop 5.0