
Showing posts from March, 2017

OBJects shades of grey

Appearance is beginning Perception is the only thing that changes

A yellow brick road

Someone will eventually correct the situation All rights go to respected owners

Friday November 29th 2013

Some how we manage despite political distractions, ambitions, denials, even success   Previous post

Climate change

Mr. squirrel knows summer is coming

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall

and sat, and sat source

Can you imagine

Young children do shopping   walk to school    take the train in Tokyo English subtitles Source  Atlantic

US House of Representatives Vote Health Bill

With changes in government come changes in the redistribution of wealth.  An ongoing battle between the rich and poor.  Is this why we pay taxes or go to war,  support our allies, insure the well being of every citizen regardless of race, financial status, etc?  blogger The bill would  take away health insurance  from an estimated 24 million people and  raise costs  for many older Americans. It would channel the savings into  large tax cuts  for the affluent. Opinion March 23, 2017

Art as science

 a neutron explosion Is not real  Is not real  Is not real

Washington DC

Cherry Blossom watch Photo credit   Jo Edwards

Grand Prix from St. Petersburg


Previous post post thought


disregard for words  and truth

Again – we shouldn’t hold our breath. But nor should President Trump in the expectation that this will all go away. A president prone to conspiracy theories makes wild claims that turn members of his own government against him. It has the making of a block buster political thriller. One we just happen to be living. Source   opinion editor     LawrenceDouglas  

Married priest

In an interview with the ZEIT, which appears on Thursday, Pope Franziskus has critiqued the faith. When asked whether he also experiences moments in which he doubted the existence of God, he says: "I also know the empty moments."  But the crisis is also an opportunity to grow: "A faith that does not fall into the crisis (...) remains infantile." Pope Francis experienced himself as a normal believer. "I do not see myself as something special," says the head of over a billion Catholics around the world: "I am a sinner and am fallible."  To every kind of papal cults, therefore, Francis declares a rejection.  "We must not forget that the idealization of a person is always a subliminal kind of aggression." When I am idealized, I feel attacked, "he says in conversation with ZEIT, which took place in the Vatican at the end of February.  It is the first interview that Francis gave during his four-year term to a German journalist....


Made of glass Software  Daz 3d 4.9  Bryce 7Pro  Render time 20 minutes

Monkey business

Five lines of definition   how many do you need

My God

Has many names

Screw you I am president

I'm President...   I can't say I dislike the newest United States president. Nor can Putin's countrymen speak to loudly against his faults. All leaders are unable to please all their people all the time. When the taste for poorly served policy continues for too long, someone will shout to loudly, but not for long. In America the Republican party has apparently done so little for so long aside from flagrant non partisan rebukes of democratic policy, their ability to govern has atrophied. So who do we believe when statements of unpopular intent fly followed by little or no action? Is this the beginning of the end for the democratic process? Or do we look to the news for amusement as American men die in the never ending war in Afghanistan, the native American is displaced in favor of questionable economic gain? The population will undeniably be reduced by relaxed environmental standards in all countries. This is a plan...

Political Martyrdom

Propaganda maybe Source   BUSRA ERKARA MARCH 10, 2017 Op-Ed contributor


daughter  grand daughter  boyfriend A conversation

Pres poetry

Mr. T

random shots

  Building Reflections    Fla sunset with palms

Death Purpose

they are both struggling to find identity and purpose in a world that makes little sense Then man was moved to understand the need for faith in anything but his sole being Opinion of blogger  Source 

Worlds worst view

In one of his biggest art installments yet, British graffiti artist Banksy filled a Palestinian guest house with politically themed artwork in what owner Wisam Salsaa sarcastically called the "hotel with the worst view in the world." "The Walled Off Hotel," located in Bethlehem, overlooks the West Bank separation barrier erected by Israel. By Nina Lin @ NBC

Peace on earth

Perpetual nativity scene under an oak tree Christ is born every day

dock post

The neglected dock becomes a curiosity    interesting shapes and colors

Kremlin Inc

"Russians can still find independent information on Facebook and various Web sites; critical books and magazines are available in stores and online; Echoof Moscow, a liberal radio station, hangs on. But, even in the Internet era, more than eighty per cent of Russians get their news from television." Credits  at beginning and ending of article

Posing software

Image makes compelling software but little sense with the masked  almost bare chested cat burgler Software company

Not to be taken seriously

the president said