In an interview with the ZEIT, which appears on Thursday, Pope Franziskus has critiqued the faith. When asked whether he also experiences moments in which he doubted the existence of God, he says: "I also know the empty moments." But the crisis is also an opportunity to grow: "A faith that does not fall into the crisis (...) remains infantile." Pope Francis experienced himself as a normal believer. "I do not see myself as something special," says the head of over a billion Catholics around the world: "I am a sinner and am fallible." To every kind of papal cults, therefore, Francis declares a rejection. "We must not forget that the idealization of a person is always a subliminal kind of aggression." When I am idealized, I feel attacked, "he says in conversation with ZEIT, which took place in the Vatican at the end of February. It is the first interview that Francis gave during his four-year term to a German journalist....