
Showing posts from August, 2017

Is the Internet free

24 hours to keep the net neutral I have been using the Internet since the days of text only bulletin boards and three hundred baud communications.   To reduce free electronic expression to a paid luxury is an obvious crime.  This service developed for the military to insure communications should telephone lines be disrupted is now considered another commodity to be sold to the highest bidders.  Is freedom just another word for nothing left to loose? Photograph: Karen Bleier/AFP/Getty Images    Source Lyrics Kris Kristofferson – Me And Bobby Mcgee Lyrics Translation in progress. Please wait... Busted flat in Baton Rouge, headin' for the trains, Feelin' nearly faded as my jeans. Bobby thumbed a diesel down just before it rained, Took us all the way to New Orleans. Took my harpoon out of my dirty red bandana And was blowin' sad while Bobby sang the blues, With them wi...

Black and White

The world  is not  black and white


choosing   to   be   involved   in   an   illegal   or   questionable   act  especially   with   others   having   complicity

Why Niccolo

Why Niccolo, do we weep?  Your premise tyme, has vowed to keep,  Our leader men, safe from harm,  Their children wander, arm in arm. In thought's absence, rules prevail,  Mighty ships, set assail,  While burning shores, the conquered land,  'Tis no more, justice grand? Therefore not, conscience suffice,  Nations vain, take glory thrice,  While leaders dead, and leaders gone,  Perform the function, Avalon . Amid innocence, all admit,  With witless wonder, we do permit,  Days of happiness, with no regret,  Your premise  tyme, 'tis well kept.   Sources  BBC  poem  blogger

Gene printer

The future of genetics may end up as a human genome on a chip   blogger opinion source

Super what

You grow numb. You grow weary. I recall discovering a few weeks back that President Trump had lied about two  phone calls , one from the president of Mexico and one from the head of the Boy Scouts. The calls, supposedly to congratulate him, did not exist. They never happened. They were pure inventions. Asked if Trump had  lied , the White House press secretary, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, said, “I wouldn’t say it was a lie.” Source    Roger Cohen, a columnist for The Times    Full article Solution source  


Afghan ' Game of Thrones ' Warlord infighting By  ROD NORDLAND AUG. 18, 2017 Continue reading the main story Share This Page Share Tweet Email More

Favorite shooter

Fits in the palm of a hand for any time recording Stockelshuue


Seeing through eyes of artist past My daughter thinks  that after my passing  some of these (by then over three thousand entries) will be worthy of renumeration.  Not likely, but hopeful.  ...that is if Google puts up with my intentions


Are strong

The far right

Of course on the other shoulder I would be on the far left I rest wherever best

Little Morton Hall

window by Richard de Dale We speak of forgotten sins to boast and pass the time, With laughter in our mouths our souls attempt sublime, Is confession the only cure for ignorant despair? A public cry for absolution fills the air, Thus man in consolation begs forgiveness fair.   Picture source  unknown   Poetry blogger (all poetry and art work not credited is possession of this blogger) 


I was told once that I had vision.  Haven't been able to capitalize on it since.  Often a form of consolation or awe.  If you find the image appealing ok.  Again this is my blog and I'll cry if I want to, rant, or criticize at will. Occasionally there is universal appeal. No apologies.    Я одного разу сказав, що маю бачення. Не вдалося згодом використати це. Часто це форма втіхи або страху. Якщо ви знайдете образ привабливим добре. Знову ж таки це мій блог, і я буду плакати, якщо я хочу, поговорити або критикувати за бажанням. Іноді існує універсальний заклик. Ніяких вибачень.  Прости google перекладу

What stops you

This is a passenger car brake assembly  rotor  caliper   The object in the lower right hand corner also stops you Its called a foot  ball heal toes   sandals optional

The wings of a dragon

This creature was caught in a screened-in enclosure. Catching it was easy.  Taking the photo was something else.  No harm was caused.  This was a catch and release venture.  This can be done with wasps.  Be sure to grasp both wings!

Teabagging Putin

Big brother

What your camera sees What your eye sees  Although not a fair nor accurate comparison, the above illustrates our dependence on programing.   Almost everything we use today is or will be controlled digitally.  If you know what the term 'big brother' signifies you must admit he is already here. 

Drones eye view

Apple park extravaganza extraordinaire Source  (got this right)

The art of war

Success is in the hands of the people Photo

Steve McCurry's Afganistan photos

Source   professional photography if not permitted remove


So fine is mine  When I take the time To Make my inner glow Shine Medium   ball point pen creative (?) endeavors   Blogger

Chicken mangoe

A refreshing lunch with potato salad (chill mangoes for cool taste)

Puppet show

President Trump is warning that U.S.-Russia relations are at a perilous nadir. But for both him and Russian President Vladimir Putin , this particular dark cloud has a distinct silver lining Both leaders are playing both the Russian and US people How do you know   by the style they govern with Trump is not a leader  As he said he is a deal maker Putin is still KGB on the inside and all super hero on the surface Both do what they have to    To maintain credibility Source   photo  unknown professional photographer

Easy rider

A motor bike can take you to an interesting park   The ride is as thrilling as you wish with tree stumps and loose bark   Snap some pics along the way  

The art of conversation

Before meeting with a man Geisha always recognize the scope of his interests and occupations. Therefore, it is easy to establish contacts and competently led the conversation, the man giving more importance in her eyes. Geisha - wise interlocutor with the set speech and a rich vocabulary. It is easy to communicate with, it will never condemn or impose their views. These women are laconic, their language - the body and gestures and thoughtful answers are perceived as the most valuable advice. Besides Geisha have always been able to hold his tongue. Heard on the tea ceremony, they are sure to keep a secret. Source    may require translation plugin

If you can see this

Talk to someone Read a book Call your mother Wash your car Make love

Walk man

Music you hold in your hands The batteries can last a very long time  Sound quality is exceptional  If you want thousands of songs you will need the same number of cassettes  Music becomes physical again  Sources   Sony Electronics  Wiki   photo  blogger


utter foolishness  source   photo blogger