
Showing posts from January, 2018

Красная площадь

Red Square is a city square in Moscow, Russia. The square separates the Kremlin, the former royal citadel and currently the official residence of the President of Russia, from a historic merchant quarter known as Kitai-gorod. Red Square is often considered the central square of Moscow and all of Russia, because Moscow's major streets—which connect to Russia's major highways—originate from the square.

Critics Should Respond

Not all of Trump’s outrages can or should be ignored. His lies need to be fact-checked. His racism needs to be called out. Most important, his attempts to obstruct justice need to be stopped, not encouraged, by Congress. But people who are disturbed by his presidency should keep reminding themselves of the big goal here: persuading Trump supporters and Trump agnostics that his presidency is damaging the country. “These people don’t exist in a vacuum. They emerge when there is a total distrustof the elite,” Zingales told me recently. “The more the elite goafter him, the more people think, ‘He’s one of us.’ ” Source  New York Times    David Leonhardt  Op-Ed Columnist

Beauty is in the eyes

of the beholder  What light that sparks memory Is forever in thine eyes of mine Whether invited or denied remains Until the end of time Source   me

Old Roman Orthodox Catholic Church

Our Lady Of Good Hope seeks parishioners 5501 62nd Ave N St. Petersburg FL  English mass 9:00 Am Latin Mass 10:30


like so many others with little experience and great responsibility Source:   Lachlan Markay Sam Stein 01.25.18 5:09 AM ET   Photo Illustration by Elizabeth Brockway/The Daily Beast

Apollo 5 preparation and launch

This fifty year old film was released by the US National Archives.  Wouldn't it be a challenge for North Korea to show its might by offering new insights into space exploration.  This pictures shows Kennedy Space facility in Florida, the place were ICBM's were once tested and eventually became the vehicle that lifted our astronauts to the moon.  While this documentary is dated, the process of delivering exploratory payloads into space hasn't changed. 


An egret with a secrete stalked for prey this way And majestically allowed reeds to part and sway Only hunger is the aim  forgiving none while seeking game Disappearing  diving low - what is captured no one knows


Light a candle Let it burn The wick is strong The wax is weak They glow together Brighten nights Until the dawn God's awesome lights


Persistent  The photo taken into a glass store front  Most elderly persons do not wish their picture taken No disrespect intended  She had an interesting story A relaxed visual focus gives light to a different background

I see the light

and the dark Source  me


“The link between liberal democracy and [a country’s] age structure – the balance between young and old – is political demography’s most tested relationship,”  Emma Graham-Harrison  Sun 21 Jan 2018 07.00 GMT

A movie in protest

It is a classic Hollywood rendering of the struggle between the government trying to cover up its lies to the American people and the newspapers’ determination to expose it. Most crucially, it reminds us of the essential role the media plays in a healthy functioning democracy. Source  Peter Greste

Who did you vote for

With a seemingly clear path to victory, the Kremlin is instead worried about enthusiasm around the election for Putin. Despite recent signs of recovery, many Russians are still feeling the economic crisis brought on by low oil prices and exacerbated by Western sanctions imposed after Russia’s invasion of Crimea in 2014.  source  election  By PATRICK REEVELL  Jan 11, 2018, 5:32 AM ET   abc NEWS

Owner's of the law

--> "You Americans have wrong ideas of the nature of your constitution; you contend that the king's instructions to his governors are not laws, and think yourselves at liberty to regard or disregard them at your own discretion. But those instructions are not like the pocket instructions given to a minister going abroad, for regulating his conduct in some trifling point of ceremony. They are first drawn up by judges learned in the laws; they are then considered, debated, and perhaps amended in Council, after which they are signed by the king. They are then, so far as they relate to you, the law of the land , for the king is the Legislator of the Colonies." I told his lordship this was new doctrine to me. I had always understood from our charters that our laws were to be made by our Assemblies, to be presented indeed to the king for his royal assent, but that being once given the king could not repeal or alter them. And as the Assemblies could not make permanent ...

digital games support conceptual learning

overcoming failure Source  Open Gov Database

Angry people

President Johnson called federal troops into the nation's capital to restore peace after a day of arson, looting, and violence on April 5, 1968. Here, a trooper stands guard in the street as another (left) patrols a completely demolished building. Source  Alan Taylor Jan 10, 2018 50 Photos In Focus

Space engineers

 Space Engineers is a sandbox game about engineering, construction, exploration and survival in space and on planets. Players build space ships, space stations, planetary outposts of various sizes and uses, pilot ships and travel through space to explore planets and gather resources to survive.

Fortune cookie

a favor today belongs to your tomorrow A fortune cookie is a crisp and sugary cookie usually made from flour, sugar, vanilla, and sesame seed oil with a piece of paper inside, a "fortune", on which is an aphorism, or a vague prophecy. The message inside may also include a Chinese phrase with translation and/or a list of lucky numbers used by some as lottery numbers, some of which have become actual winning numbers. 2 3 8 16 23 30 source  motion picture scene unknown definition Wiki

Are children political

judge not less you be judged

Jump or not

The smallest of creatures have decisions 

Where birds gather

there is warmth   unseasonably cold weather paints the trees with this species  Photo mine  Encyclopedia Wikipedia

A natural interest

As a teenager reading Scientific American was kin to a science comic book. While everything was understood, little was retained as an entertaining pass time.  With a lifetime of experience and no degreed credentials I remained a technician in a number of fields. Watson, the inevitable protagonist of The Double Helix , managed to get himself invited to a Franklin lecture in London and saw at once that her x-ray crystallography work held the key to the   mystery of DNA  Source photo  nobeastsofierce Science/Alamy Stock Photo article by Robert McCrum  Mon 9 May ‘16 00.45 EDT