
Showing posts from April, 2020

Tears of Time


Alone is safe

It's still alone photo credit   Chris Mistretta

I'm the president

No    you are a frog Unless otherwise stated all media is from the blogger who retains intellectual right for whatever they are worth

Ruth Ginsberg says

  Trump Should Recuse Himself from All Decisions Involving the Future of the Country source   NYtimes   By Andy Borowit z   February 25, 2020

Make a difference

Jazz and people


Off with their heads

    Alice in Wonderland tea party. Photograph: Print Collector/Getty Images  "Mr. Trump believes he has the power to fire anyone in the executive branch, though aides say they have learned to ignore many of his private rants, unless the president brings up the subject repeatedly and appears on the precipice of making a move they feel could be damaging."  "Mr. Atkinson’s dismissal on Friday night, a time often used by a White House to bury news it prefers not to gain widespread attention, was disclosed in a letter to Congress but not announced by the White House press office. While it had been anticipated , it still sent waves of concern among lawmakers and intelligence veterans"  "People close to the president believe the political consequences of firing Mr. Atkinson could be devastating, especially when Mr. Trump needs all the Republican support he can get for a potential impeachment trial in the Senate."  "Mr. At...

Who goes there

  List of Trump administration dismissals and resignations  The moon buildings and lights is all that remains   Why did all the people who made this a worthwhile view leave Trump friends run the United States Government   We didn't elect them  We don't know them   source

What grows without permission

Hair  I often remark that I got the hair and my siblings got the money  Well my sister is doing well in both areas   Here is an article that makes sense and is easy to follow for Cutting Your Own Hair    Fear not it always grows out far beyond our expectations both intended and accidental source  Photograph: Kelly Riordan/Getty Images

Old Meeting House Tampa Florida

On Howard Ave year 1961  A 35mm selfie "Look at your reflection in the lens" Nancy Taylor   Chuck Mistretta  age 15  I later met Nancy while at an Air Force base in Spain  We were both waiting on flights  She had two children  I was hoping for a hop to Germany     She was home      We were not 


Some of us don't have a choice - protect everyone   Ask for help Social distancing works or staying six feet away from someone  something we do anyway   Now that we have become more isolated the urge to reach to others is greater   hello   how is your day   be safe

Perpetual motion

Photography keeps the mind moving Google Plus is no longer available and is missed by all who used it

Speed and the practial psychological factor in computing

Image I present articles that interest me with the hopes that there are similarly thinking people with computer access   Or course there are   The age of individuality never existed except in the marketing minds of those philosophers who branded their names on new ideas.  The religious leaders like  Luther whose outlaw church broke with the establishment is one more example among the many who seek to believe in a manner that they create  If the word latency ever sparked wonder then the above link will put your mind at ease  and possibly open more doors for others to investigate

Just because you know better

You don't like this image   Is it better to have the whole man who does not behave in a whole manner than half a man who should know better   Confused so am I that we are not able to distance ourselves from the consequences of poor voter choice but do so with difficulty in the face of a pandemic All those who favor an autocratic leader who will eventually do something good for his country are still waiting or thinking behind marbled walls that everything is OK or over kill  or just left to chance graphic source  Photo Illustration by The Daily Beast/Getty/The New York Historical Society

Personal tracking

Putin travels with a mobile GPS spoofing device  "Russia is manipulating global navigation systems on a scale far greater than previously understood. " Dominance provides security however realistic it is is or is not  What's important is what THEY believe  Blogger

It Confounds The Science

Source   The Parody Project

The battle continues

"The best way to understand the coronavirus is not by tuning into White House briefings but by tuning into the distress on the front line" "If people could see what goes on here (emergency room) they would stay home"  

Strategic welfare aid becomes a bid for economic sanctions removal

Neither the US nor Russia is in the position to sacrifice scarce medical resources.  Mr. Putin attempts to buy back US sanctions applied by previous humanitarian catastrophes.  Russian 60 Minutes panelists consider Trump actions a slap in the face. Source

Leadership makes a difference

Leadership makes rules that may save our lives The countries with measurable recovery rates recover sooner when people are made aware or forced to keep the possibility of infection at a distance   blogger

It's better to be afraid

Fear is not bad  It could save you

Dr. Anthony Fauci shouldn't be making economic decisions OR SHOULD HE

Without hosts the virus will expire   Doesn't it make sense to regulate and isolate the possibility of a living organism moving from one human to the next with no means of eradication at the present blogger Source  Fox News  via

Buzzards in the back yard

Everyone is looking for lunch

For mature audiences

Impressions can be funny  laugh a little You don't have to be a baby boomer to appreciate this but it helps  This is entertainment before the individual captive audience

Dean Martin Jerry Lewis

side by side is only a song  for the time being

Covid 19 map

Click this link and scroll to map the specific location

I robot?

Did conscience awareness change anything about the human condition or did it aggravate the acceleration of what we are, not who we are  The notion that we can understand our ‘selves’ is ridiculous “ the mystery of conscious awareness goes deeper than a purely material science can explain ”   Thoughts are the words our minds print  Do we author anything or do we police the area with our actions  Do we think we think Stay conscience with this how-to mask  Something to reflect on - a reflection from a pond  

intellectual overreach

The little prince pays his respects and daddy pays the bills  all except those that would heal countless suffering from disease and hunger .  source

Musical gnosis

French composer Erik Satie     Music without meter wanders with out apparent purpose but keeps us interested as we follow a path that leads to nowhere  Source

The Oppenheimer Effect

Now I am become Death The above link is obviously tactless  It was meant to be  Not all regions of all nations share in the threat of a pandemic  They are not immune and possibly the next victims  Keep in mind that the threat of infection is always around.  Be safe minded             Stay well.  blogger