
Showing posts from November, 2022

Nothing fake about machines, the users... maybe

Early computing A primitive processor run home computer and a three hundred baud modem were all that was needed to communicate over the internet in the beginning of what became social media. Ascii graphics, not fancy colored video were the pictures of the day. This was all line by line stuff using software which wasn’t always forgiving. In the 90’s and before, it was just nerd stuff for the few interested in computer technology, something that has become every day life for most of our needs. I exchanged email with a family who lived on the Iditarod trail, an annual long distance sled dog race from Anchorage to Nome Alaska. Another person of interest was a Russian engineering student, and a biology teacher from Turkey. As graphics improved we exchanged pictures. My vision expanded to places I could never have traveled to. It was spectacular. While working as a computer tech for IBM I spoke to people from all over the...



Hands that drone

Controller in hand One hundred feet of fog

Special Military Operation for a limited time only

This is war People’s lives are disrupted destroyed and life may never return to the days before war The young will create life after war Another new way of thinking from those who survive Governments good and bad – why The living They keep on living but never as before This occupation of power is a never ending story a tragedy misery New born will fight in the next war The end never ends Good leaders are a rare necessity Photo

Relax and receive Joy on Thanksgiving Day


On being

When we write we define who we are, or wish to be, even lament who we never were. This self examination changes nothing until we do something, an idea reminiscent of congress. The seed of the idea is to keep going by flowering and bear fruits not so much for ourselves but for others. As we trudge on our need and necessity to be productive beyond self sustenance eventually wanes assuming illness isn’t the real battle. Must we have a reason for being, or not being, that is a question?

The Facts

“ If “stolen election” refers only to voter fraud, there is clearly no evidence to support the claim.” Mr. Trump lost the 2020 election as did many who lost their lives, their occupations, and the countless who are unable to accept democracy in America What was stolen was what we believe to be our political heritage for courage and accountability

2022 midterm elections in America


How to find movies worth watching

You have spent a lifetime working for the man or you are on your way to becoming life’s voyeur Here is a link to well made movies of all genera Content is valued above effect The story lives on the screen before your eyes

З голови


How long will it last

Why life as we have known it While we look to the past That life did not last Here we are on a new path One step in front of the other Onward while we trample our brother Not all suffer not all spoil Some brave change and make new The world is ours if we knew How not to kill each other Chomu zhyttya, yakym my yoho znayemo Poky dyvymosya v mynule Te zhyttya ne tryvalo Osʹ my na novomu shlyakhu Odyn krok pered inshym Vpered, poky brata topchemo Ne vsi strazhdayutʹ, ne vsi psuyutʹsya Deyaki smilyvi zminy ta stvorennya novoho Svit nash, yakby my znaly Yak ne vbyvaty odyn odnoho

Growing live beautiful specimens in and out of the water

Live coral in my home aquarium – some years ago Live meat coral My sister taught me how to keep invertebrates This is her coral tank Grand children are vertebrates They grow in the wild and require care for as long they accept it