Rendering of extrapolated artistic bosons

Fundamental particles don’t just exist; they influence each other in ways that manifest as electromagnetism and gravity, creating matter. Similarly, artistic bosons do not passively exist, but accrue force that manifests as human affinities such as: intrinsic motivation (doing things from your personal energy and yearning, as opposed to extrinsic motivation, which drives all the other ways things happen in the world), curiosity, playfulness, satisfaction and gratitude (they seem linked in my experience), the recognition of beauty, the experience of love, and the cohesion of groups and communities. No wonder the arts have sustained since the beginning of human history—this is the list of the best parts of being alive. They provide unity, attraction, and the reason there is something to being a human instead of being nothing.
Author: Eric Booth May 20th 2009   Software: Groboto 2.3.3

I put this frame together because I find it interesting.
Besides if art can anticipate scientific outcomes it saves
scientists at the Large Haydron Collider a whole lot of time
and money. 


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