The Bipolar Condition

The person writing this blog is sixty-nine years old. My grandfather was ninety years

old when he died. Genetically I have about twenty years left to enjoy what life has to offer. The name of this blog is Bipolarpeople. This means that the person who writes this blog is bipolar. What you see when you visit Bipolarpeople is the work of a crazy person - as the uninformed might conclude. The bipolar condition is nothing more than a cerebral chemical accident. Its hard to diagnose until an individual reaches the age of responsibility and demands are made of his abilities. This causes undue stress and his or her personality shows the abnormalities inherent in what will be a life long condition. To date there is no cure. The medication prescribed is an expensive crap shoot by all but a few who attempt to understand the afflicted.  Simplistic as this description may be, it can be considered a worthy guide for the 'normal' especially for parents of bipolar children. My advice to those with children labeled ADHD is to let your child be a child within the limits of your sanity. When you (the parent) expect more from your youthful charge than a hug and good academics, then seek professional help.  Finding the right doctor for the right patient is and always will be another challenge. A missed diagnosis is more common than not. Medication that is supposed to relieve symptoms can make them worst. You the parent, or by now a significant other, maybe just a friend bear the weight of enduring the person you care for with understanding and loyalty.  The long term
experience will make you a saint.

I am not a doctor, nor a person with credentials, just experience.  Before taking anyone's advice on diagnosis of a mental
disorder or any other type of illness please seek qualified help first, not last. 


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