Hidden agenda - repopulation disrupts EU stability (opinion)

As the UN scrambled last week to shepherd Syria’s warring parties to talks in Geneva on a transition out of the country’s civil war — after meetings convened by the US and Russia last year in Vienna — the Russian air force all but razed al-Sheikh Maskin, killing hundreds of civilians as well as rebel fighters. This strategic town in southern Syria was held by mainstream rebels backed by the west. There could be no clearer illustration of Vladimir Putin’s role as a spoiler in the Syrian conflict.

Source Financial Times

Most Russians, used to Western criticism of Putin, seemed to shrug off the allegations. A public opinion poll by the independent Levada-Center showed many were unaware of the details surrounding Kremlin critic Litvinenko's murder. The inquiry report, issued January 21, found two FBB agents poisoned his green tea with polonium, a highly radioactive substance.

Source voanews.com



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