President & King

بسم الله والصلاه والسلام على رسول الله وعلى اله وصحبه وسلم 
رتب لك جدول يومي يجيبك عن سؤال
كيف هو حالك مع الله ؟؟
دون فيها طاعات واعلو ههمك لكي ترتقي بحالك

A photograph released by the official Saudi Press Agency shows Saudi King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud receiving President Barack Obama in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia on April 20, 2016.  EPA/SAUDI PRESS AGENCY
The Saudi government and its affiliates have spent millions of dollars on U.S. law, lobby and public relations firms to raise the country’s visibility in the United States 


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