Gotta get a get


If your Jewish and you know a little Yiddish, then you know that a 'get' means a divorce.  If you are thinking about getting a divorce, don't wait for the kids to grow up and put them through ten or more years of parental strife, to put it politely. Do everyone you call loved ones a service,
and end what is customarily an ugly relationship before it screws up the ones that mean the most.  Your not doing them any favors by sticking it out - while sticking it to each other. 

Family shows like Leave it to Beaver and Father Knows Best where the values I hung on to while my parents chose to become strangers in a not uncommon strange land.  

Or you could become real adult parents and choose to raise a family.  Life isn't easy. Get it! 

Blogger comments   oldest of four children   divorced with four children   parents were respected people
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