Palestinian Delegation
573. A
particular area for discernment on the part of the lay faithful
concerns the choice of political instruments, that is, membership in
a party or in other types of political participation. A choice must
be made that is consistent with values, taking into account actual
circumstances. In every case, whatever choice is made must be
rooted in charity and tend towards the attainment of the common
good[1200]. It is difficult for the concerns of the Christian faith
to be adequately met in one sole political entity; to claim that one
party or political coalition responds completely to the demands of
faith or of Christian life would give rise to dangerous errors.
Christians cannot find one party that fully corresponds to the
ethical demands arising from faith and from membership in the Church.
Their adherence to a political alliance will never be ideological but
always critical; in this way the party and its political platform
will be prompted to be ever more conscientious in attaining the true
common good, including the spiritual end of the human person[1201].
Source Vatican