
Showing posts from May, 2019

Three D printed housing

Communities for people without adequate housing
Art work   Sofiya Voznaya     A look into China's repression of Muslim ethnic minority source


Man is a boat, woman the rudder. The sails are it's children filled with force of commerce. Together they move in directions that keep the vessel working and rewarded with a purpose and a future. Government is not god. Government with faith gives people hope when their efforts are just. Storms are as fools that may come and go. We weather them with the strength of many until calm seas prevail. Do not be afraid.  Picture source


Happy sunday Going to church or have been to temple Does He still talk to you  Sure he  does He's talking to you right now  Say hello to my best Friend

War Crime Pardons

"If the governments of those countries in which U.S. service members operate do not believe that our military-justice system will hold accountable those convicted of wrongdoing while on their soil, they will increasingly seek to arrest, imprison, and try those service members in their own courts. That is an outcome we cannot accept, and the commander in chief should not take actions that would cause those governments to consider such steps." Source   David Lapan    Vice president of communications for the Bipartisan Policy Center

Be careful what you wish for

  Wisdom is having outlived our mistakes.    Intelegence is the capacity to make them.

Laying eggs

It just never ends

It doesn't really matter

How you stack it up   We get the picture Many of this graphics are personal commentary   Make of them as you will

Don't Stop Me Now

SNL's Donald Trump Song Parody Of "Don't Stop Me Now" By Queen Posted By Tim Hains On Date May 19, 2019

Google Streets

Denver Colorado 2016 The back streets of most US cities look the same  Familiar franchise names appear  People pose for the google camera  Parking leaves no space left behind  And what about those precious apartment projects with creative names   Click click   there's no place like home     "Vodka Lemon   In a remote, isolated Yazidi Kurdish village in post-Soviet Armenia, Hamo, a widower with a pitiful pension and three worthless sons, travels daily to his wife's grave. There he meets the lovely Nina, who is communing with her late husband. The two are penniless--she works in a local bar that is about to close down, while he has been forced to start selling his meager possessions. All seems hopelessly bleak, yet when Hamo begins to court Nina, their unexpected love revitalizes them." Source   IMDb

Nice body

Does the inside look as good as the outside I smoked for over fifty years until I got pneumonia  My stay in managed health care was worse than the self-inflicted abuse However given the length of time I enjoyed smoking and the temporary pleasure it gave me I would say it was worth the discomfort of what seemed like an early end to an otherwise healthy body   You probably won't agree

Grandpa Time

You live long and prosper in the company of the next generation

Touring North Korea

Young Pioneer Tours specialise in taking you to North Korea and other worldwide “destinations your mother would rather you stay away from” at budget prices. We combine the best guides in the industry with expert local knowledge and contacts to ensure your adventure is an unparalleled one. Don’t be a face in the crowd, be a Pioneer This entry is only for information  I have spoken to military personel on tour in South Korea and they have praised their time there  North Korea has a history of harsh dictatorship handed down from one family member to the next  It is a repressive regine  Visiting North Korea would be an interesting experience   but not a guranteed safe venture   Blogger opinion  

Doesn't fit

When the elect is not suited to its intended purpose there is a poor fit   It doesn't work   The overall structure retains its integrity to a degree   The foundation has no choice but to support whatever rest upon it   to a certain degree

Is perception reality

Charlie Chaplin or Charles De Gaul or Adolph Hitler This is one of my favorite topics and the stuff that makes people actors, politicians, but not saints because only God knows what is in their hearts. Source


“There are different ways to read the resonant phrase “ the invention of tradition ,” coined by the great Marxist historian Eric Hobsbawm” We invent tradition with our stories.  " Media is the message... " "McLuhan compares the 'content' of a medium to a piece of meat carried by the burglar to distract a watchdog. What he means is that people focus on the obvious, the content, to provide us valuable information. But in the process, we miss the structural changes in our life that are introduced subtly over long periods of time." Sound vaguely familiar  Source  By Ross Douthat

I am not Steven Spielberg

Inter mezzo in A Minor Opus 16 No2 Johannes Brahms by Ivan Ilic

The Dark side and others

If find yourself serious about photography then you will at some point in your career be tempted to display form with little light   This flower is so vibrant and reflective it looks artificial Transparency reveals many warm hues    Dog   Captivated by the sight and sounds of a drone  She jumped up four feet to tackle it and was snipped in the nose by a rotor  No harm is done The blades are soft  Curiosity satisfied  No credit shown means the shots are mine  If you are wondering why this blog is named as it is  These are some of the better thoughts that cross the mind of a mind that isn't always it owner's friend

People the same world over

Ramadam While citizens remain with little difference government from country to country are unalike   Cultural expectations and history is the big difference  blogger comment


It's OK to live here  have lunch  a beer and  do some fishing Don't forget to shop

Extend whose presidential term

I can't see that one  A boob is just a boob The attention Donald gets is no more ridiculous than this blog entry   (personal comment)  

F-stop me before I shoot again

This photo was taken with a camera as old as my grand daughter.  Both of them are show splendidly.  Money does not buy the shot.  Luck helps no matter how much you have.


Status is what you don't show  but alas we all know you have it I will admit there is a significant amount of responsibility that comes from the acquisition and management of wealth   here here    where where        I don't know

May the force be with you

Mr. Mayhew May 19,1944 - May 30, 2019 Source   By Jacey Forti  May 2, 2019

Drag-on Special Counsel Robert Mueller

Our politics  have been recently subjected to the morals of men who hold their positions by giving misinformation  or in giving what they believe is the honest truth to be perverted by others who gain from withholding justice   Do we light truth's candles and let them burn or leave them in the dark  Source  1st link     2nd link Thursday, May 2, 2019 The dragon was done by an undocumented cartoonist.  The dragon could be (should be)  labeled Mueler.    

Niksen for resident

Why overdoing is not accomplishing balanced health For the most part I don't believe in pushing one's own buttons  I know if the brain doesn't have a place to call it's own  you don't own it  What that means is body chemistry influences our actions   desires   abilities   etc   Antidepressants are  not always the answer and can leave a person more depressed with long term use   However proper conditioning of personal behaviors through choice and managed activities does a body good   No it's not that easy and not a cure-all but it beats up big pharma and being high  This advice is from a non degreed  non medical professional who has lived with long term depression  Consult your doctor for proper treatment of depression and other mental disorders  Source  By Olga Mecking   April 29, 2019