The Italian Wife - a poem

I married a girl with great expectations
To find her whole family were mafia relations
We toured the Iberia peninsula grand
Got married with cake, even a band
But had a child who would never become man

We parted ways like two cur strays
She’s has nipped at my heels to this unfortunate day
Don’t you ever take an Italian wife
They'll slit your throat with your very own knife

For what they want they don’t know
And you can’t even give them a tow
They must lead the armada grand
Or shipwreck you both in the sand. 

All of the above is true and sad  Two people who would have made
a great couple and parent if it weren't for their weaknesses - marry too young
and you are in love  marry late and be too comfortable to be faithful - this is just an opinion   nothing more  

This is my poem 


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