
In an incomplete sleep somewhere between dreaming and waking the definition of bipolar became obviously clear   While it is easily defined   the outcome of words says nothing especially to a person who has been diagnosed manic depressive.  Knowing what autism is  and having worked with children and known neighbors' children  (three in my block) with autism I have a good picture of what the malady - if any - presents  Bipolar as a lifelong diagnostic history is somewhere between the autistic and the savant   There is no other way for me to relate to a condition that can be both beautiful and confounding especially for those who choose to know who you are   In a Latin high school class I thought I found the complete definition   "Cogito ergo sum"  I think therefore I am   However true this may seem it does not allow the thinker to think with any continuity or completeness of outcome  Therefore cogito ergo sum  is really I Am Therefore I think  For those who promote mindfulness  try that one on for a while~


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