
Showing posts from March, 2021

The dock that was a bridge

  Years ago a photographer friend of mine asked me if I wanted to rent a helicopter and take aerial photos   I asked him,  "What for?"   Now I do it for sport using drones  The Weedon Island dock in this picture was once a road that ran over Tampa Bay to...  see picture below and check out the residential pool

War with honor

    By John Blake, CNN Updated 2011 GMT (0411 HKT) March 9, 2013  "During World War II, Second Lieutenant Charles Brown was the pilot of a B-17 and after a tough aerial battle, his plane was the only one left behind in German air space. His plane was running dangerously out of fuel, half of his crew was wounded, his tail gunner was killed, and his plane was rattling from all the gunshots it had taken." "German ace, Franz Stigler, was only a kill away from earning The Knight’s Cross, Germany’s highest award for valor. He was on the ground when Brown’s B-17 passed over him and he took off on his Bf-109 to chase after the American plane." "When he got behind the B-17, he was about to press the trigger to take down the plane, but noticed that no one from the B-17 was shooting at him, he flew closer to see that the tail gunner was dead and the crew inside were injured and huddling together." Reader further from CNN, listen to the account, or buy the book  

Thank you Gov De Santis

    Satire snagged from the New Yorker  Thanks guys for letting a very few more people feel the pain of being a Floridian in the shadow of the elect  

Confidence starts early

  Being a parent and aspiring teacher I learned that children have capabilities that exceed our expectations  This video is evidence that kids like challenge   Source:  CNN/Youtube   And some fantastic parents

Instance is futile

  Why, how, if and what does it matter that our eyes see, not see A look at what makes our field of view anything but a coherent conclusion of our choosing  We welcome the discord as it may annoy sometimes but often amuses our sense of humdrum repetitious reality  Click the link above to see what this all means       That goes for me too because I use a lot of other peoples' images, but I give them credit  When no credit is given the image or graphic is mine  Like this low orbit commercial transport     software:  Bryce  Bryce is a 32 bit scenery application and a good 64 bit version is hard to find  The software was developed twenty years ago when larger word bits where science fiction   

Kill the vote

  Republicans are making it harder for black voters to express their choice of government  Declining the right to vote by mail for all except those over sixty-five is wrong and another racial inequality that has lingered for hundreds of years  The minority populations only serve the interest of big money by helping it to flourish without a fair share in their efforts   Government chooses to regulate not represent those who are the machinery of commerce " The Voting Rights Act of 1965 is a landmark piece of federal legislation in the United States that prohibits racial discrimination in voting. It was signed into law by President Lyndon B. Johnson during the height of the civil rights movement on August 6, 1965, and Congress later amended the Act five times to expand its protections." source wiki

I write therefor I am

"Letting off steam might be more important in social life than we’ve recognized. Suppressing what we really think is widely understood to be bad for our emotional health. People who have had to hide their thoughts in order to appear as conformists to the prevailing orthodoxies have often developed deep psychological problems, which in turn can lead to ‘explosions’. Meanwhile, if people can express themselves, even only clandestinely, they might be relieved of this pressure." I dare not write my feelings, for they appear as a fog in a dark place that no one bothers to enter   Nor do I give entrance because of my shield and sword of Benzodiazepines  For years I have taken Klonopin to regulate or annihilate feelings that no longer linger because they are no more than dead ghost   Most feelings have become mere experiences that visit and disappear, like teenagers who are becoming self emancipated   However memory is as fine or finer than I deserve and I use it as a tool ...

Are you a swinger

    What is the party line... is it the right thing to do for your constituents,  meaning you satisfy those who vote you in office  Can there be a consensus outside of the party philosophy, that sphere of influence or the self indulgence of personal intuition - the gut feeling with no basis other than popular approval  On the other hand is racial equity fair   I got mine   Did you get yours  Only the another four years will tell as the fiscal pendulum swings left then right  God(?) forbid there is no swing  

Some shots - these don't get many hits

    Ubuntu LTS desktop for those who don't use a Mac OS or Windows, includes free software in almost any category and in some cases is easy to use  Your computer is old  Then this OS will give it new life for free and a small learning curve   If you code you will find other ways to benefit, though coding is not a prerequisite  If all you do is browse the internet then there is virtually no learning curve           Shoot from the hip  take any shot as you see them  something the persistent photographer does  This doesn't appeal to everyone or maybe one hundred years from now someone will find it quaint     Do you peruse local thrift shops  Some give their stuff away, others think of them as timeless gems and expect a price for curiosity  This one works and is a handsome addition to any collection  A horologists is interested in the study of time keeping devices  Now you ...

Mach 2 concorde slows down for picture

To fast for a decent photograph, faster than most fighter jets, steady Mach 2 transatlantic transportation    The way people are packed into planes today that use more muscle than air frame to move from point A to B pale in comparison to the Concorde - Lucky are those that can afford the ticket to fly so fast, I'm not sure why  It still sounds inviting   Source  Andrei Kucharavy · February 24    Works at Bioinformatics   The articles following this submission are interesting as well

The Jab or walki

 A poem by Lewis Carol  'Twas brillig, and the slithy toves Did gyre and gimble in the wabe: All mimsy were the borogoves, And the mome raths outgrabe. Have you been jabbed yet    Keep trying    Maybe your area will be supplied with enough vaccine to satisfy the needs of seniors and those with conditions or jobs that allow a chance at a jab  Its all the rage on the news   In my opinion the vaccine is currently in short supply    FEMA to the rescue    Please visit your state's patient portal or online access account for vaccination appoint information  Know Before You Go Demand for the COVID-19 vaccine is far in excess of the supply the state has received so far. It is anticipated that additional supplies will be coming soon. Florida has many sites that are providing COVID-19 vaccines, but supplies are limited and appointments may not be available at many of these sites. The state is prioritizing: Persons 65 yea...

No one knows - or will tell

“I think right now there’s no need for individuals to know their strains,” Well that may be a good way to contain hysteria but will it help when vaccines don't prove effective against variants   "Amid limited testing to identify different strains , more than 1,900 cases of three key variants have been detected in 46 states, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. That’s worrisome because of early reports that some may spread faster, prove deadlier or potentially thwart existing treatments and vaccines." By Christina Jewett and JoNel Aleccia and Rachana Pradha   February 25, 2021