Virus Mutation
By Dr. Vishnu Reddy Apr 11 This article is a Reblog Graphic by this blogger "So many of us are still grappling with the effects of 2020. Whether it’s finance related, home ownership, personal health or..really anything. It’s safe to say that we have all been affected in one way or another. Now there is a looming phrase in the media that threatens to delay an end to our collective dilemma — mutation. So what is a mutation exactly? Is it dangerous? And what does a mutant strain mean for you? Here, we’re going to break down these three ideas and the medical information behind them to better equip you moving forward." What is a Mutation? A m u tation is essentially a random change in the genetic code of the virus. The genetic code is essentially a blueprint for the virus that tells itself how to build new virus particles after it infects our bodies. So when there is a change, or a mutation, in the blueprint the structure of the virus and the particles on the v...