
Showing posts from March, 2022


"Oscar Wilde's famous declaration that "Life is much too important to be taken seriously.""  The result of getting what we want... it makes no sense

‘I Am Going Mad Again’

 While in the Air Force at Biloxi MS. I took a date to the drive in.  The show was, "Whose Afraid of Virginia Woolf?"   " Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? is a 1966 American drama film directed by Mike Nichols in his directorial debut. The screenplay by Ernest Lehman is an adaptation of Edward Albee's 1962 play of the same name. It stars Elizabeth Taylor as Martha, Richard Burton as George, George Segal as Nick, and Sandy Dennis as Honey. Wikipedia"   The story stuck with me for the next fifty-six years   The film could have been an adaptation of family life in Florida  Edward Albee who was the playwright was also a patient of my father   He flew to Tampa to have his teeth worked on, so I am told   From what I saw of the film they could have collaborated intellectually, but certainly not in reality.   That's all I have to say about the movie which was not a family viewing flick  Virginia Wolfe did find a way into my mind while ...

It sucks to be you - try being me

Please like me. Please, for the love of all that is holy, consider me clever and interesting. Honestly, I don’t get why anyone wouldn’t like me. I do cool stuff. I make cars. People like cars, don’t they? I make stonks go to the moon. Isn’t that cool? Isn’t making stonks go to the moon something people like? Seriously, c’mon. Appreciate me. I was on Rick And Morty . Wubba lubba dub dub, right? People love that show! I like to hang out. I microdose acid, a cool drug. Remember that time I went on Joe Rogan’s podcast and smoked that joint? Who else would be crazy enough to do that but me? God, I’m lonely. Source  Thanks guys... me

Analogue Camera

    Me and my camera   The best friend anyone could have  Auto winder  3X zoom lens   who could ask for anything more

Join the fight for Ukraine

  Yes, it’s legal for individual Americans to fight in Ukraine American citizens can legally go abroad to fight in foreign wars, including in Ukraine’s defense from Russia’s invasion.

The lie contiues to live

  "President Putin praises the 'military operation' in an address at a rally in Moscow."   The people in the audience are Russian state employees bused to this event  Most all the people waving Russian flags are police  Putin's speech is a staged event for his benefit only   This is a depressing picture  There are no words for what it stands for  Death and dying is not a weapon it is murder Source    twitter

Who tied the bell on the tiger?

  Partial Transcription from "Putin is struggling to achieve the expected goal, and Russia is in trouble. The purpose of Putin's action is to defeat Ukraine through blitzkrieg, replace the Ukrainian leadership, cultivate a pro-Russian government, and completely solve the Ukrainian problem, so as to divert the domestic crisis. However, the failure of the blitzkrieg, Russia is unable to support the protracted war, and the cost of expanding the war is high. Launching a nuclear war will completely stand on the opposite side of the world and have no chance of winning, and the situation at home and abroad will become increasingly unfavorable. Even if the Russian army pays a huge price to occupy Kiev and establish a puppet government, it does not mean a final victory. At present, Putin's best option is to end the war with peace talks, which requires Ukraine to make substantial concessions, but what is not avai...

War in one world

Присоединяйтесь к Сталину, Ленину и Гитлеру в истории - прекратите убивать невинных людей Приєднуйтесь до Сталіна, Леніна та Гітлера в історії - припиніть вбивати безневинних людей

Putin's road to war

Examining Putin: As Russia’s President Wages War on Ukraine Will this man accept defeat?  

Ukraine - the fly on Putins finger

  Ever an irritant to the owner of this finger, but what of it?  This little creature in comparison to it's perch is not a threat.  But it comes back again and again to irritate the one who allows himself the delusion that this creature is his to dominate. No one owns life. No one can take it away. Коли-небудь дратував власника цього пальця, але що з того? Ця маленька істота в порівнянні зі своїм окунем не становить загрози. Але це повертається знову і знову, щоб дратувати того, хто дозволяє собі оману, що ця істота належить йому домінувати. Ніхто не володіє життям. Ніхто не може його забрати. Translation by google Music to listen to   Music  Graphics Smallin

Russian people loose legitimate internet access

 "The Internet Society’s Joseph Lorenzo Hall said in an interview Friday that Russia taking over the so-called “root key” controlling all security certificate renewals in the country creates huge risks for the Russian people."  "Russia has already been aggressive about curtailing web access. It has censored Western news sources and even Facebook, which it blocked access to last Friday after the platform placed restrictions on Russian state-owned media." More from Cyber Scoop on   russia-tls-security-certificate-authority Більше від Cyber ​​Scoop's   russia-tls-security-certificate-authority   source   Music to list to

What really happened to Xiangguo Qiu?

"She has been accused of selling state secrets, contributing to a clandestine Chinese bio-weapons program, and even of helping to create COVID-19." New discoveries often become the property of an employer  I was asked to give up a process I developed for a military industrialist  A year later I transferred to another department with no mention of merit  The one man photo lab was turned into a profit center under new supervision and employees  Later the photo lab caught fire in the company's a clean room environment and took a fourth of the plant with it What really happened to Xiangguo Qiu?  I have some idea  Most innovations when tied to government money (from experience) can lead to unresolved conflict and consequences which are almost always economic Later on an electronic reproduction machine replaced the photo process    

A line of allied countries are giving Ukraine support - opinion

  Europe and the United States are giving military aid to Ukraine.  Russia sees this as a military implication against their ongoing exercise to free the Ukrainian people from oppression?  The war is not only physical it is rhetorical.  Words that no one will accept under threat of prolonged Russian jail time remain unspoken while Russian troops wage war against civilians and the brave resistance of key Ukrainian cities.  How long will Putin allow his solders to wage a near aggressive stalemate battle while keeping thousands of civilian non combatants hostage?  What will be the end to the war, and who pays the heaviest price for peace - clearly it is the people of Ukraine.  The one man show of strength continues to wear heavy on the Russian people and all those who support Putin's opposition, or at least those that intend to.  We can not give into the fear that a proxy war will be anything more than a desperate struggle by brave people for their o...

Voive of America

 "Unfortunately, more than 30 years after the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia’s media space is again almost as constricted and closed as it was decades ago. The challenges of distributing good journalism and truth to Russians remain fundamentally the same." Flashpoint Ukraine

Putin's Road to War

 " ...stay tuned for the upcoming FRONTLINE documentary Putin’s Road to War , premiering at 9 p.m. Eastern Tuesday, March 15."

Putin Put Down

  Hey man I think your war sucks  is wrong  and will end you    Эй, чувак, я думаю, что твоя война - отстой, это неправильно и покончит с тобой.   Martin Luther King Jerry Garcua Lead Belly    Abraham Lincoln   Vladimir Lenin Characterizations  -  source since lost

Russia's War

  Російські танки голодували на пальне     У світі з порушеними правилами   Звільніть простір для росту смерті     Хіба немає надії, крім самовпевненості   Проти безжального страшного велетня   Хто хапається за землю, що колись була його    Не відмовиться від нашої людської прірви   переклад Google Graphic from Dust Sc iFi entry    

Seeking sunshine

   A drone follows an Egret as it flies away from a dock to join others sunning in a tree

Catch a glimpse

    Of your mind - this one is my mind - the needle nightmare isn't me Or a squirrel - you gotta fast or lucky With over 2500 post, content may repeat