
Showing posts from June, 2022

The Real Me

  I have met people like myself When I was once like you Now I am the person who is    The real me not the real you  These are sketches shown before now collected for ever more  From the mind they scratch and claw at wonders gone wonders small    A representation of psychosis The laughing Christ  -  A neighbor, Jay, did the Cobra   The world can be ugly looking or looking ugly        What's on your mind  Pen in hand  Can you lend me a dime  I haven't much time  Words like lines only make sense if you let them  Some of these are relevant some came uninvited  The woman above is relevant   It is a copy of drawing my mother did                            From left to right - an old friend  - dance with me   - consequences of a chance...

Is it art

After exchanging email with a friend about the topic of abortion I picked up this piece of wood that appeared to be an image.  I am a retired photographer, etc... and find images intriguing  Some of them prophetic, others just visual toys Coincidence is another interest of mine  Multiple occurrences of the same event appear to the senses over and over again in a day or are stretched over a longer period of time  It has been said there is no such thing as coincidence as there is little validation in the concept of time  Of course this does not apply to finance   Right Vladimir?  

begining of the end

    This 2016 article is proving itself a reality as a presidency moved in directions no one could have thought possible  Ironically this man wants his job back   Would you vote for him   Source  New York Times  

White Snake

Whitesnake - Now You're Gone     Picture blogger

Mac Book Air II cost the same as my first 1979 computer

I worked for a tech company and wanted to know more about computers  It was a learning experience, however it was expensive and the learning curve was intensive - at least for me  I became the president of the local TI99/4 users group which helped us all with understanding and shared experiences  At the time I was engaged in legal wrangling and found the personal computer fit the job of keeping track of essetial data Obsession became a necessity and I still use computers today for graphics, this blog and personal finance, etc  The full article on the TI99/4 can be found here Source WIKI  


 Marilyn Monroe    "To my eye at least, the actual photo of Marilyn is much more appealing than Sorayama's version. By attempting to exceed reality he has created something a little colder than reality. He's left out the mystery and romance, the heart that is so important to the beauty of women such as Marilyn or Bettie, or to the "girls next door" that they are the idealization of." When the stats of a blog are falling the hint of sex brings them up   That is not the purpose of this post   Cheesecake is a word and topic that I learned learned as a child  There were always issues of Photoplay or Playboy around the house  I was particularly interested in the classic cartoon models rendered with precision   Decades later I recreated what I had seen as a child from memory, one of the artful pinups drawn in classic Playboy style  I was naively surprised at the impression it made   "This is a list of cartoonists , visual...

The Old Man's Comforts...

  The Old Man's Comforts and how he gained them by Robert Southey You are old, Father William, the young man cried, The few locks which are left you are grey; You are hale, Father William, a hearty old man, Now tell me the reason I pray. In the days of my youth, Father William replied, I remember'd that youth would fly fast, And abused not my health and my vigour at first That I never might need them at last. You are old, Father William, the young man cried, And pleasures with youth pass away, And yet you lament not the days that are gone, Now tell me the reason I pray. In the days of my youth, Father William replied, I remember'd that youth could not last; I thought of the future whatever I did, That I never might grieve for the past. You are old, Father William, the young man cried, And life must be hastening away; You are chearful, and love to converse upon death! Now tell me the reason I pray. I am chearful, y...

Russian car sales

 Автомобильные новости               CAR NEWS Almost all American cars are sold in Russia The purpose of this post is for curiosity seekers and not an endorsement of the Russian car industry   Use Google Translate for English translations of foreign languages

War, a picture

This is a fractal not an aerial photograph. It looks to me like the views taken from the Ukraine devastation caused by war.   Program used "Mandelbulber is a ray-tracing application for drawing three-dimensional fractals, like Mandelbulb, Mandelbox, Julia, trigonometric, hypercomplex or IFS fractals. It is highly customizable and features complex shading algorithms (among the others there are shadows, depth of field, ambient occlusion)."  

Funny - 21st Century

  source   NOT FUNNY Gun laws   "The vast majority of Republican senators are showing they are hesitant to fully embrace the announced gun safety framework , with many telling CNN they want more details before saying where they stand. It's a sign of just how hard it will be for Republicans to hold on to the support they have and expand it, as pro-gun groups and others whip up supporters against the framework. Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia -- the most conservative Democrat in the Senate -- defended the newly reached bipartisan agreement on Monday, adding it takes "no rights away, no privileges away" from gun owners. Separately, Ohio’s governor Monday signed a Republican-backed bill into law that makes it easier for teachers and staff to carry guns on school premises."   Just what we need, a shoot out between education staff and genetically/psychologically lobotomized teenagers.  (opinion) Source  ...

Worry won't make you smarter

  “The truth is, we know so little about life, we don’t really know what the good news is and what the bad news is,” Kurt Vonnegut observed in discussing Hamlet during his influential lecture on the shapes of stories . “The whole process of nature is an integrated process of immense complexity, and it’s really impossible to tell whether anything that happens in it is good or bad,” Alan Watts wrote... At the present (June 2022) there is a deluge of bad things happening, the consequences of which will hopefully play in favor of mankind  Change is painful, usually unwanted and surely not welcomed by most, especially when it conscripts love ones to untimely outcomes  Loss is loss  Life is living with those we love  Division in thought and action can change the face of a nation when the self serving are doggedly persistent  Some struggle while others look on with abandon or disbelief at what is life   "The great first-century Roman philosopher Seneca ...

Apple Bank?

Credit during an era of inflation , just what you need or can do without  There are no fees if you follow the plan  Credit is withdrawn if payments aren't made - to be seen, I'm sure - Opinion        source  

Yes to life - a book

  By Maria Popova "Who can weigh the ballast of another’s woe, or another’s love? We live — with our woes and our loves, with our tremendous capacity for beauty and our tremendous capacity for suffering — counterbalancing the weight of existence with the irrepressible force of living. The question, always, is what feeds the force and hulls the ballast." A book for the times we are living in right now.  Who of us gives in to terrible force, and who fights for individuality - freedom?  Pandemic, war, political division, social tragedy and discord: These are all happening at this moment  We survive because we choose to  We choose right from obvious wrong and battle to save ourselves  We are worth the effort  WE are the people who make the world what it is    Art from Trees at Night by Art Young, 1926. (Available as a print.)  Source

Новости "Голоса Америки" - 07.06.2022 (News "Voice of America" ​​- 07.06.2022)

 Ukraine: developments The bodies of some Ukrainian fighters killed while defending Mariupol from Russian forces at the smelter were transferred to Kyiv. This was reported by relatives of servicemen of the Ukrainian regiment "Azov", which is part of the National Guard. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said the UK is providing Kyiv with the weapons it needs to wage war on Russia and thanked Prime Minister Boris Johnson for "totally understanding the needs" of Kyiv. Russia US Ambassador to Russia John Sullivan believes that the two major nuclear powers should continue to talk to each other, he told the Russian state news agency. The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced the imposition of sanctions against 61 American citizens. The sanctions list includes high-ranking US officials and representatives of such large companies as Netflix, Universal Pictures, CBS and others. Russian and Belarusian educational organizations are excluded from the Bologna proces...

Roe V Wade V snake

A child is a child in a play pen or a womb Source  The Far Side - Gary Larson

Chinese astronauts

 The Shenzhou 14 spacecraft took off from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in the Gobi Desert on Saturday at 10:44PM ET (10:44AM local time) and docked with Tianhe at 5:42AM ET (5:42PM local time). The rocket engines look like those found on exhibition at the Kennedy Space Center at Cape Canaveral Florida.   North Korea would save a lot of face by launching worthwhile rockets that have a future.  Now they are dumping those rockets toward its east coast for testing?    Kim Jong Un (김정은) would better serve his people by feeding them rather that offering fish a place to spawn.    Source