
Showing posts from June, 2023

The Russian Bay of Pigs

Dictatorships produce dependent populations This occurred in Castro's Cuba, and in Spain with Francisco Franco  When I lived their during his reign the people were satisfied as long as their basic needs were met The students in the north were north were not as complacent  Even the Jews expected the redeemer to eradicate their foes and act as king  Every nation has people who want a protector and provider only capitalism encourages individual advancement, but it still needs help for those who are unable to live with a system that rewards mainly the successful  "We can at this point only speculate about why Prigozhin undertook this putsch, and why it all failed so quickly. One possibility is that Prigozhin had allies in Moscow who promised to support him, and somehow that support fell through: Perhaps his friends in the Kremlin got cold feet, or were less numerous than Prigozhin realized, or never existed. Prigozhin, after all, is not exactly a military genius or ...

This is how my blog got started

Chuck Mistretta's Poetry Page What is this page all about? It's about personal commentary and the things you can't or don't bother to express every day. These are serious viewpoints presented in a sometimes light-hearted and frivolous manner to inform, amuse, and generally bring about awareness that is settling - well at least to some people. Who is Chuck Mistretta? I work as a contractor supporting internet users. My interest is writing and computing. I bike and do gardening. Married with children for twenty + years, Joel and Laura are working their way through college. Chris and Maren are still making it through the wonder years... What is poetry? Poetry is like a puzzle. Everyone owns a piece of the final vision. Unfinished and vague until completion, it almost never conveys its true meaning during construction, and remains dubious to all, even to its creator, until the time is right. My Poetry: Rhymes, but is not lite to the occasional reader. It searches for truths...

World Inequality - a resource

News Preliminary Estimates of Global Posttax Income Distributions APRIL 4, 2023 | WID.WORLD This technical note combines data from household surveys, government budgets, tax simulators, national accounts, and detailed fiscal incidence studies to construct a new database on Read "Despite a momentous renewal of public and scholarly attention to inequality, most existing estimates of income distributions fail to systematically account for the role of government taxes and transfers—above all for the developing world."

Off with his head

                  The indictment that overshadows autocracy and returns our country to a constitutional presidency we can feel proud of despite four years of lies and political deceit from Donald Trump

Canadian wild fires engulf eastern US states

Smoke particles are so small and numerous they are able to invade the entire human body and cloud entire citie s     Lokman Vural Elibol/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images  Not in Florida  Not until hurricane seson arrives  Then when nothing is seen its becuse its not there  I took this picture

The tower of syllable

Thought is nothing more than smoke rising from the embers of our reality In some places on this earth, the smoke is all that's left The Shift from pictograms to syllables  has been called "the most important advance in the history of writing"  Wikipedia