The Russian Bay of Pigs

Dictatorships produce dependent populations This occurred in Castro's Cuba, and in Spain with Francisco Franco  When I lived their during his reign the people were satisfied as long as their basic needs were met The students in the north were north were not as complacent  Even the Jews expected the redeemer to eradicate their foes and act as king  Every nation has people who want a protector and provider only capitalism encourages individual advancement, but it still needs help for those who are unable to live with a system that rewards mainly the successful 

"We can at this point only speculate about why Prigozhin undertook this putsch, and why it all failed so quickly. One possibility is that Prigozhin had allies in Moscow who promised to support him, and somehow that support fell through: Perhaps his friends in the Kremlin got cold feet, or were less numerous than Prigozhin realized, or never existed. Prigozhin, after all, is not exactly a military genius or a diplomat; he’s a violent, arrogant, emotional man who may well have embarked on this scheme huffing from a vat of his own overconfidence."

Source: By Tom Nichols


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