Back in the USSR

"Really, there are dumb politicians in the tramp team in this situation, it was not worthwhile to conduct military exercises. It is necessary to be sensitive to certain events"

"The Libyan model of nuclear disarmament is a meme!
Persuade the leader to get rid of nuclear weapons, then arrange a coup, kill this leader, and disorganize the country.
I wonder what specifically in this model did not like Mr. Yun?"

"no one in the world believes these American idiots who can easily violate international treaties and do not care about UN resolutions"

'It's an empty thing to meet with Trump. He hopes that Kim will disarm unilaterally. This will not happen. And the US promises are worthless."

"And the US promises are worthless." - this is you ask Deripaska. And in Surkov.

"The United States behaves as the masters of the whole planet. The deal with Iran is torn up, the EU was sent far away, doing lawlessness with the Palestinians, coupled with Israel, and what to expect Kim? To cheat? A hundred years, Kim needs a conversation with Trump. The United States behaves so that faith is not even with friends ..."

"they create lawlessness with the Palestinians" -and who are the Palestinians? Specialized division of the KGB?

"The deal with Iran is broken" - this was Stalin's deal with Hitler, and the US had a condition for Iran to develop and non-proliferation of nuclear weapons. Both conditions were violated by Iran.
"A hundred years, Kim needs a conversation with Trump" - well, not with the road to him to say, he does not want Syria.

"The American-South Korean exercises before the summit with Mr. Eun were somehow out of place."

"Mr. Yin (and his father, and before that his grandfather) tried to beguile for 40 years. While Trump did not really explain what would happen to Sev. Korea and personally with Mr. Eun."

" ...we are waiting for the development of events. Eastern people are unpredictable ... by the way. Trump too."

 "We are waiting for the development of events, and Trump himself develops these events. Eun is a politician and therefore we forecast."
The Soviet Union, officially the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, abbreviated as the USSR, was a socialist state in Eurasia that existed from 1922 to 1991.  The title of this post is a tease only.  



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