
Showing posts from September, 2018

12 Strong Men

12 Strong Men

We all have a place

Where we belong

When nature yields to neighborhoods

In its natural form, today a swamp marsh remains as a park Public access shows us how this area once was Homes on retention ponds from the reclaimed marsh 

Truth or Dare Snicker or Snare

"Perhaps most telling was the list of countries that Trump highlighted at the end of his speech as those embodying the “dreams” of the kind of nations our children will inherit. Trump praised Saudi Arabia, a brutally repressive dictatorship where women have few rights, and which is fighting a war in Yemen that is creating a humanitarian catastrophe. He praised Poland, a Nato ally where democratic institutions are under assault from its own government. And he praised Israel, a US ally that runs a military occupation of the Palestinian people in the West Bank. If these countries are Trump’s idea of the future we want to leave for our children, Trump’s vision of the world he wants to build is quite dark."   by Michael H Fuchs  Isolation in a world economy is counterproductive at the very least.  It removes the level playing field for less fortunate economies.  The richest of the US may influence policy in this country, but will ultimatel...

Who are we

The Person Therein    You visit the person therein and say to him...   Don't I know you from some far away place and time?   Didn't you collaborate in this rhyme? I don't think so friend, I have better things to do,           Like muse of the misery of man and his zoo. We barely speak much, nor chat or chatter,           I often wonder what's the matter. Strangers true we are! Why have you bothered to travel so far?     I must confess I'm lost without you,      and many things have cost me dearly.       For lack of talk with you is my most grievous sin,       and I repent from afar and from within. Do not snatch at me with remorse,           those lost days of foolishness are of course.            I've been here all along,    ...

Assured income


What giraffe's must think

Don't you look funny A photographer will go to any lengths to get a picture

I called tech support

Overall most call centers have empathetic and helpful people who know their product.  I have stumbled onto a machine driven support line that was just infuriating.  Computers (phones) aren't really smart.  They only provide an environment to think with.  Call it a cognitive crutch. 


I am an atom  Please leave me alone

American military might

W ill North Korea continue threats

"greater gender diversity in science"

This link is presented because I know from personal experience how few women are involved in technical fields  It doesn't need to be this way  Often technicians become proficient almost on their own as they pursue an interest or work with a team to develop a product  More than once my own job in the field of microwave was almost put in jeopardy had I failed to produce positive results for theories that proved current calibrating practices for the new digital system analyzers inaccurate  Women were often used as supervisors who had skills   "Steitz, who has advocated for greater gender diversity in science and co-authored a 2005 National Academy of Sciences report on bias and other barriers to women in “STEM” (science, technology, engineering and Mathematics ), spoke with Scientific American about her career, the #MeToo movement and working with James Watson, the co-discoverer of the structure of DNA." Source Joan ...

Ciemny lud to kupi

roughly translated, means "The ignorant peasants will buy it. A one party system and the vanquishing of a democracy defines the times  How America is reliving Poland's political past - if we let it Source   Editor’s Note: This article is part of a series that attempts to answer the question: Is democracy dying? 

The Expanse

What scifi inclined person doesn't like some aspect of this three season (depending on streaming service and country) battle between Mars and Earth    Go behind the scenes to experience the complexity of recreating a future not to far from our own   Only just a little more far out   ouch    Source  SciFi  Netflix and maybe in the not to distant future a forth from Amazon Clip courtesy of Youtube 

I'm just a squirrel

what do I know source  me  may 20 2015

Dangerous times

Barack Obama has delivered a sharp rebuke of Donald Trump’s America, attacking his successor by name for the first time in impassioned remarks that denounced “the politics of fear and resentment”. source  theguardian .com

Blue face

What I call my kids, grand kids and anyone else who can't be bothered with real people. 

Hey, anyone out there like jazz

At The Helm: Harold Mabern, Stalwart Accompanist, At 82 Cleo Brown On Piano Jazz  Eliane Elias On Piano Jazz Nicholas Payton On Piano Jazz and more at above link source   Marian Mcpartlands's Piano Jazz

Sphere of inluence

Will color your world but not change your shape

A eulagy for John Mc Cain

source   theguardian .com

Abstraction levels

What level of abstraction are you comfortable with   How far from reality are you willing to let yourself go in search of something that is defining   even for a moment