Truth or Dare Snicker or Snare

"Perhaps most telling was the list of countries that Trump highlighted at the end of his speech as those embodying the “dreams” of the kind of nations our children will inherit. Trump praised Saudi Arabia, a brutally repressive dictatorship where women have few rights, and which is fighting a war in Yemen that is creating a humanitarian catastrophe. He praised Poland, a Nato ally where democratic institutions are under assault from its own government. And he praised Israel, a US ally that runs a military occupation of the Palestinian people in the West Bank. If these countries are Trump’s idea of the future we want to leave for our children, Trump’s vision of the world he wants to build is quite dark."   by Michael H Fuchs

 Isolation in a world economy is counterproductive at the very least.  It removes the level playing field for less fortunate economies.  The richest of the US may influence policy in this country, but will ultimately be rejected by the rest of the world.

Souce  me


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