In the begining of tech as we know it

Technologizer by Harry McCracken


A compendium of technologies first products and the people who delivered them


Steve Jobs’ First Demo of the Mac for the Public, Unseen Since 1984: An important piece of computing history gets preserved. (January 2014)

50 Years of BASIC, the Programming Language That Made Computers Personal: In April 1964, Dartmouth College democratized computing. (April 2014)

How Gmail Happened: Google’s e-mail breakthrough, ten years later. (April 2014)

My Kennedy Polaroids: Instant History: Two moments from JFK’s 1960 trip to Medford, Oregon, captured forever. (January 2013)

Please Don’t Call it Trash-80: The 35th anniversary of Radio Shack’s TRS-80. (August 2012)

Newton Reconsidered: Apple’s first handheld computer reviewed, twenty years after its announcement. (June 2012)

25 Years of IBM’s OS/2: It was supposed to become the dominant operating system, and didn’t. But it’s never gone away. (April 2012)

Why History Needs Software Piracy: Benj Edwards on the legacy we risk losing. (January 2012)

How the iPad 2 Became My Favorite Computer: Yes, it’s capable of replacing a PC. (December 2011)

A Brief History of Apple Not Buying Things: From Sony to Sun to Nintendo to Adobe. (July 2011)

Polaroid’s SX-70: The Art and Science of the Nearly Impossible: The bittersweet story of the greatest gadget of all time. (June 2011)

“Why Should Somebody Buy This Instead of an iPad?: The crucial question which so many tablets failed to answer. (June 2011)

Is Samsung’s New Galaxy Tab Fibbing About Its Figure? And About Those Galaxy Tab Fans… (March 2011)

Fanboy!: The most famous insult in tech, and where it came from. (May 2010)

The IBM Muppet Show: Andrew Leal on Jim Henson’s little-known, extremely entertaining collaborations with Big Blue. (May 2010)

The True Face of Mario: Benj Edwards looks at the man who–unwittingly and unwillingly–gave Nintendo’s iconic character his name. (April 2010)

Men Who Plan Beyond Tomorrow!: The future, as predicted by a bunch of 1940s whiskey ads. (March 2010)

The Bob Chronicles: The longest article about Microsoft Bob which you’ll ever read. (March 2010)

The Secret Origin of Windows: By Microsoft veteran Tandy Trower, the guy who shipped Windows 1.0. (March 2010)

Mr. Edison’s Kindle: Did you know that Tom Edison wanted to build 40,000 page books? (January 2010)

Windows Vista: A Review Recap: Microsoft’s famously-despised operating system wasn’t despised at first. (October 2009)

40 Years of Lunar Lander: Benj Edwards looks at the history of a remarkably durable video game. (July 2009)

The Amazing World of Version Numbers: No, really–software version numbers are interesting. (July 2009)

15 Classic PC Mistakes: Benj Edwards on design errors which are as fascinating as they are bone-headed. (June 2009)

The 13 Greatest Error Messages of All Time: This is the most popular Technologizer post ever. (September 2008)



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