Model Making


In the fifties model making was something kids did more often than I suppose they do today   Then there was not an internet, computer, video games or cell phone for us to pour our time over   Model making took concentration, planing and a degree of dexterity that pushed you to the final finished moment that was so rewarding   I used similar skills working for a microwave company   The outcome was seen on equipment that would buy a nineties era house.  It was also delicate and rewarding   It was a living for over a decade   Since then all forms of my art have taken the place of reproducing, or producing precision objects  Instead they manipulate instruments that fly, photograph, or create art   From this page and each that precede it, model builder skills make graphic detail and other written commentary to capture a time, a place or just a memory  The object is to understand who does these things, rather than the exercise to make them happen   


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