Much ado about nothing

The political fad among the ill-informed who heap praise on promises born of lies isn't fashionable it's chaos looking for meaning.  What does it say?  The rule of law is because of those who have been willing to sacrifice what we all work for in return for sharing of power and resources.  Redefining the rules to suit a cause ill-defined but known to take charge for the sake of self-interest is not democracy.  The rule of law is not a variable to be applied to a minority that makes no sense and exists for itself.


Self-government is acceptable to those who relinquish power when a fair majority is allowed to make laws rather than having to question the illegal actions of its opponents.   Representation will rule when it is fair and just.  If taken by force it is tyranny.  We then spend time correcting the course of illicit forces whose only way is by force and prejudice.  Make America great again through freedom of thought and actions that do not attack a constitution meant to keep us united. 

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