Physics - what's it all about?

An artist's concept illustrates a quasar, or feeding black hole. Photo from NASA / ESA / Getty Images.

" ...the practice of theoretical physics is often an exercise in fabulism: you propose something new and strange that appears to fit with established theory and observations and then — this is the hard part — follow the ever-branching consequences of your new idea to see if there are any contradictions that might arise."

If you have never heard of the name Steven Hawking you are  probably not going to continue reading this post.  My understanding of the universe began as a child when I attempted to know my surroundings, my precognitive theory of who and what I was.  To my surprise I obtained knowledge and lost much of that early awareness which is the true stuff of life. Those who hang on to it, attach theory to the source of being, space and time may be called physicist

Personally the phenomena of concurrent experiences (coincidence) is so pervasive to me that it would be considered irrational to beg an explanation.  If "it is what it is" - then "what it was" defies curiosity and  becomes a cultural black hole.  Nothing is determined by itself.  It is always the consequence of something else~  Continue to read this article by Max Genecov to confirm what you know or wonder about physics.  After all it is just thought, most without proof of who, what, and where we are in a universe without a place of its own - so far.  

Article source   The Outline





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