A national embarrassment

“You’re the worst President America has ever had,” Biden said at one point. Later, he added, “Under this President, we’ve become weaker, sicker, poorer, more divided, and more violent.”  

Over-talking was the undistinguished norm for this war of words   The debate was a counter productive argument that failed to enlighten and may discourage people from voting at all   I f president Trump is representative of a privileged minority how does that mirror the people who support him    Is he right, the far right, or just wrong   Future debates should confirm that there is no presidential hopeful   All hope is lost if this type of behavior is allowed to persist   Deciding the leader of the land by apathy (no voters) or dependence on party line to maintain a disproportionate status quo will continue chaos, unhappy and unhealthy populations       blogger

source  quote  newyorker.com


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