
Showing posts from 2025

Some shots of young people

Painting of child Museum of Art Chicago Irony - a child playing in the back yard broke this statue  There is a child at this table between her parents   Her face is covered with a computer screen She wears headphones and is engaged Another family outing to remember Young couple - faces in a crowd Grandson's Birthday 40's Chicago Picnic My uncle became and archeteque and built a house on this property That's me in the foreground, my mother behind me

What's going on in the oval office

You guys are costing us a lot of money      We are defending ourselves against an aggressive attack from a ruthless maniac I know Putin and I can assure you he is just like us  He is only looking out for his people's best interest I speak for the president and the people of the United States when I say you are overreacting just as we had anticipated You seem to like the war and are looking for handouts that will continue your country's lifestyle I am not saying this  because of poor information or the inability to retain it, just a reminder that we are asking you to give up give up your country's mineral rights in appreciation for the generous support we respectfully gave your people for three years   Blogger: Mr. Zelenskyy, humble apologies for our elected American official's behavior  

APO barred from presidential news coverage

AP bleibt gesperrt, da die Organisation sich weigert, vom „Golf von Amerika“ zu sprechen

Social security and Doge

Audio article describing Doge’s effect on social security.

SpaceX Launches starship on flight 7

 Catches booster - looses ship   Click link for 16 min video. Credit Space.come