Russia the antagonist of 21st century war

©AP / Zvezdanews/ East2west News / TV Zvezda/e2w / Getty Images
 'They're willing to literally kneecap Ukraine on the battlefield and damage our national security in the process,' a furious Biden said earlier. He had warned that without the desperately needed aid funding, Ukraine's military could be overrun. 'If Putin takes Ukraine, he won't stop there,' Biden said earlier. Putin will attack a NATO ally, he predicted, and then 'we'll have something that we don't see and that we don't have today: American troops fighting Russian troops,' Biden added.

We live in a society of consumerism.  To some degree it is good until those who got, want more and think they can change the age of man with their accumulated wealth and yes, our technology.  The global economy was a good idea.  All nations contributed what they had with material resources and human talent until Russia and Trump tipped the balance of power and greed.  Those in congress from both parties know this is wrong and are fighting the extreme right to rectify all kinds of injustice.  The outcome has yet to be seen, shall the will of the people compromise a peaceful deliverance of justice?  Without justice and the rule of law lIttle will phase those with means.  We will suffer in ways not unlike those in Ukraine and Palestine/Israel.  If a new world order is our fate, let's hope some of the old world remains resilient.  Life remains a struggle with pain and suffering. Without some kind of faith existence isn't worth enduring.         blogger


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